Digital Portfolio
HingieVerse: Hinge dating in VR 🌹*
Includes 3D viewports of user profiles, pickable objects, and interactive "swiping". VR scenes are built with Godot GDScript, and 3D assets are created via Blender.
* Created for fun and not proprietary to Hinge.
IN CHARTS: How is PH doing after 6 months of lockdown?
Data visualization story on COVID-19 in the Philippines. Published with Rappler and recognized by The Sigma Awards for data journalism as one of the top 10 write-ups of the year.
e.l.f. Scanner
A rapid prototype for additional features on elf's gaming app; Uses OpenAI’s CLIP architecture to differentiate elf products.
* Proprietary design and assets are omitted. Created simple web app for interaction without AR headset.
PLAI: AR/VR Music Training*
Built on Unity. Created scenes for music training education, combining mixed reality art with spatial computing.
* Proprietary design and assets by other engineers are omitted.
Scoliosis Detection using the XBox Kinect
Used the Xbox Kinect and alternative trunk surface metrics to develop a cheap scoliosis detection kit.
An ANN on river water level prediction in the Sto. Niño station of the Marikina River
A simple neural net to predict river flood levels. The regression model was trained on 15 years of local weather data.
The official marketing website for CAUSE Philippines — a US Embassy-recognized nonprofit that mentors low-income Filipino students for global college scholarships.
Data Journalism Podcast
A series of data journalism podcasts for Rappler Philippines. Talked about research and fact-checking methods for nonstop news cycles, especially during local elections and COVID.
FALSE: Philippines was the only Asian country without SARS cases
Published with Rappler. A disinformation story on pandemic claims that circulate Philippine social media.
NYU Wagner Admissions chatbot*
Built with Dialogflow CX. Assists prospective graduate applicants with admission FAQs.
* Publicly-available chatbot
BrainTrust 3D
Incorporates a 2D to 3D viewer functionality to website designer interface, supporting 360° rotation, bg color change, and object annotation. Based on the Graph CNN architecture presented in the Pixel2Mesh study (Wang et al. 2018)
Bulk Salesforce Loader*
Bulk Loader used to crawl and import contact records into Salesforce. Created for a startup incubator in 2022 and still used to this day.
* Notebook run results with PII are omitted.